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Navigating Challenges and Inspiring Hope: Life in Kenyan Slums.

Navigating Challenges and Inspiring Hope: Life in Kenyan Slums.

By Caroline WanguiNov 15, 2023


Chantelle is one of the residents of the Witemere slums in Nyeri County. Having no stable source of income and several mouths to feed, she has resolved to collect and selling plastics as a means of survival. On a good business day, Chantelle can collect and sell plastics worth Ksh 300 which is only enough for one day’s food. 

So, how does she pay rent? Every time we interview her, Chantelle can’t help but smile wryly. The question “How do you pay rent?” seems to amuse her. But why does she find it amusing? Perhaps, it’s because she lives in a structure that doesn’t need paying rent. She goes further to describe the paper structure that she and her little ones call home. No wonder she smiles at this question. The thought of paying rent in a paper house does seem amusing. 

Chantelle’s case is not isolated. She’s among many young mothers who are forced to endure a difficult life in the slums. In this blog post, we delve into the challenges faced by the residents of these slums and explore potential recommendations for improving their quality of life.

Challenges Faced.

  • Overcrowding – The cramped living conditions in slums often lead to overcrowding, compromising sanitation and privacy.
  • Limited access to clean water and sanitation – Residents struggle to access clean water and proper sanitation facilities, leading to health risks and the spread of diseases.
  • Lack of basic infrastructure – Many slum areas lack proper housing, roads, electricity, and waste disposal systems, hindering overall development.
  • Unemployment and Low Income – Limited job opportunities and low wages contribute to a cycle of poverty that is hard to break.
  • Inadequate Healthcare – Access to quality healthcare is limited, and medical facilities are often distant and costly.
  • Education Barriers – Lack of proper schools and resources makes it difficult for children to access quality education.
  • Crime and Violence – High levels of crime and violence, coupled with limited law enforcement, make slum areas unsafe.
  • Environmental Hazards – Slums are often located in areas prone to flooding, putting residents at risk during rainy seasons.

Recommendations – What Can We Do?

  • Infrastructure Development – Invest in building proper roads, sewage systems, and electricity to enhance living conditions.
  • Access to Clean Water and Sanitation – Set up water supply systems and sanitary facilities to improve hygiene and health.
  • Employment Opportunities – Create skill development and vocational training programs to equip residents with employable skills.
  • Healthcare Accessibility – Establish community health centers that provide affordable and accessible medical care.
  • Community Policing – Collaborate with local law enforcement to improve security and reduce crime rates.
  • Microfinance and entrepreneurship – Support small businesses and entrepreneurial ventures to boost income generation.
  • NGO and government collaboration – Strengthen partnerships between non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and local government to address slum challenges effectively.


While the challenges in Kenyan slums are substantial, the resilience, determination, and resourcefulness of the people living there are remarkable. By implementing a combination of the recommended strategies, we can help uplift these communities, providing them with the tools they need to build a better future. It’s our collective responsibility to ensure that every individual, regardless of their background, has the opportunity to thrive and succeed.

We aim to back various endeavors, which encompass assisting young mothers in participating in professional skills workshops (like hairdressing and tailoring). We also strive to establish a secure haven for those affected by gender-based violence, extend opportunities for mentorship and counseling, and organize periodic charitable campaigns that grant them provisions like food supplies, menstrual pads, and baby diapers. – Add to Bio